Tour de Kernow Ultra - what is it?

We have been working together with the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Charity to help develop their cycling related fund raisers.

While helping plan the 2024 Pedals4Patients event - we suggested that there may be some interest in doing the 300km route of the Tour de Kernow in a single day.
Looking at the calendar we picked the Saturday closest to the longest day to give riders the most daylight hours possible to complete the challenge.

The September Tour de Kernow / Pedals4patients route links together all of the main Hospitals in the region and uses a mixture os Sustrans National Cycle Network NCN and popular cycle routes - the Ultra event will use the same principle route with some minor changes to accomodate the event HQ at Wheal Jane.

Our colleagues at Wheal Velocity have allowed us to use their club house for the event and Wheal Jane Enterprises are allowing us to use the site for competitors parking during the event.

Entry for the event is £15 but we do ask riders if they can share among friends the RCHC justgiving page to help raise funds for the great work the charity is involved in.

For more details please see the event page on our calendar

Jonathan Butt